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Monday, July 30, 2007

Comic-Connage, Part 2

We've survived another Comic-Con, and I've spent another $20 here and there to buy some vinyl toy that'll just sit around my desk! As fun as it was, this year's show was pretty anticlimactic. With Hollywood geek-cinema currently sitting in limbo between trilogies and franchises, there was no big news scoop to steal the show. The only real news I have is that if you're one of the dozens of dorks who dressed up as slave Leia or a 300 Spartan, you really should've laid off the World of Warcraft for a while to do some sit-ups before suiting up.

I got the exclusive Vampire Jack Skellington.

Steve got the exclusive 300 King Leonidas.

Jenni got the exclusive Grimace toy and Castlevania figure.

Todd McFarlane out-ridiculoused himself with his upcoming
"Twisted X-Mas" figures.
They're even more idiotically gory than his
Twisted Fairy Tales
line of toys.
"Ho, ho, ho" is how Santa describes Mrs. Claus, Claus, Claus.

The new Pirates of the Caribbean toys.
Pillaging whoremongers never looked so huggable!

A Star Wars Lego mural. Ten years from now,
George Lucas will wreck it by adding some Lite-Brite special effects to it.

The many flavors of Artoo droid, including "lesbian."


Deitri said...

I love that Davy Jones figure. How cute is he?

Anonymous said...

Skellington... Skellington...

Anonymous said...

I got Jack Skellington Vampire too! Comic Con was fun with lots of goodies, I can't wait to buy some of those new toys!