Lando also clearly has the skills to pay the bills. I'm a hardcore SW fan and even I don't know what kind of "maneuver" he "pulled at the Battle of Tanaab" (I'm guessing three Twi'lek dancing girls AT ONCE!), but it was enough to get him promoted from guy-who-sells-out-his-friends-to-the-Dark-Lord-of-the-Sith to a goddamn GENERAL with a new cape and everything! Han even lets him borrow his old ship back! So you can imagine how craptacular it is for Lando to end up, at the conclusion of Return of the Jedi with nothing better to snuggle up with than Wicket W. Warrick.
But while Lando has the old school Trilogy covered, none other than the bad mofo of Jedi Masters, Mace Windu, is the dominant Force for the Black community in the prequel trilogy. There's not much that needs to be said about Mace Windu. He's second in skill only to Master Yoda (which meant a lot more before he got creamed by Palpatine). He was a flawless swordsman, could decimate thousands of battle droids with his FISTS (check out the first season of Clone Wars), and if not for some sniveling "Chosen One," would have saved the damn day. Among his other accomplishments, he managed to behead Jango Fett, which is pretty hardcore for a Star Wars movie, and a feat only surpassed by a BLIND Han Solo accidentally smacking Boba Fett in the jetpack and sending him screaming into a belching Sarlaac (can we get a ret-con on that one, Mr. Lucas?).
So while the original Star Wars might have been a little on the "light" side of the Force, the five subsequent films managed to show us all just how cool Black characters can be, and that's something that works every time.
Mace Windu was way hotter than Lando. Sorry. That's my personal prefrence.
I don't see Mace Windu as hot. Like, at all.
Lando had that silky hair that black men wore in the '70's and Terrance Howard wears in Hustle and Flow.
I vote Lando.
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